Get your kids excited about discovering something new by disguising the learning activities as fun time.
The Mind Creative Organization has been working in the Education field since January, 2020. We are a well known company in all over India and Canada. Our special programs are Dermatoglyphics MultiIntelligence Test(DMIT) ,Midbrain Activation, Photographic Memory Test, Extra Sensory Perception (E.S.P.), Quantum Speed Reading (Q.S.R.) and Neuro Linguistic Program (N.L.P.) develops the Personality & Brain. We are in process developing our franchisee all over India and Canada. You can check out our youtube channel which provides demos of our courses and other videos. You will also get info about our company’s franchise info and contact. Click here to watch a video
Apart from the above reasons, our company also conducts training workshops like Neuro Linguistic Program, Parenting, Principles of attraction, DMIT counseling and more. The above factors and our Dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence test cost make the best results of DMIT and we are proudly serving people to help them in identifying their little one’s ability.